Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.

1. Stevan Veinovic, Lithuania

FUEL QUALITY AND ROAD TRANSPORT CHALLENES AND PRESSURES It seems pointless to discuss the fuel compositional issues in the absence of the motor vehicle design, since the two are intrinsically linked as history has proved. They must be optimized together. The new automotive technologies will produce their full efficiency only if the fuel effect dimension is also taken into account. The fuel quality for the consumer and its impact on energy conservation are environmentally very closely connected. Transport tried, above all, is very strictly influenced with the fuel quality. This specific market aspect had a very negative consequence and led the consumer to believe that automotive fuel were quite ordinary products. Simple sources of energy were recognized as correct a priory from that time, and they met the administrative specifications. Sophisticated engine systems, VCR-variable compression ratio and HCCI- combustion, give new challenges to the flex-fuel technologist. The functions of engine oil, chemistry, additives and synthetics are reviewed. Close liaison between the automotive and refining industry is vital for progress in road transport.

Key words:
Key words: alternate fuels, cetane, engine oils, exhaust emission, lubricants, octane

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