Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.

Addition to knowing of geneticla variabilty of Field Maple (Acer campestre L.) in Bosna and Hercegovina

1. Dalibor Ballian, Forestry Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Stjepan Kvesić, Forestry Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Considering that Field Maple (Acer campestreL.) represents a widely spread bree with gigh level of adaptability to varying ecological conditions it must be noted that in the future it can play a key role in the adaptability of forrestry to climate changes, which are more evident with each year that passes, and also in reforestation of the extremely degraded locations in the southern parts of the country. To be able to better understand the capabilities of Field Maple in various locations it is necessary to investigate its genetical structure. On the base of the genetical structure we can develop plans for its preservation as well as any future uses for the reproductive materials. In this research the results shown are from the samples of genetic structures from twenty five (25) populations that are evenly spread throughout Bosna & Hercegovina, with the use of ten (10) DNA markers, and we used cpDNA & nSSR DNA markers. Via analysis we got eightynine (89) different aleals with total of fourteen (14) specific aleals. The sum of (observed) heterozygotry totaled 0,521 and theoretical (expected) 0,555. The total fixastional index was 0,074. The analysis showed that ther are notable statistical differences and morphological variabilitybetween the studied populations and that populations from Hercegovina group together and also show notable diffreences and separation from the populations in Bosna. The variability results can be of great assistance for further breeding as well as with the preservation of genetical variability of both in situ and ex situ methods.

Key words:
Field Maple (Acer campestreL.), genetic variability, aleals, heterozygotry, fixational index

Thematic field:
Forest genetics, Forest seed science and nursery, afforestation

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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