Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.


1. Aleksandra Kutić, Urban Planning Institute, Marije Bursać 4, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Marijana Kapovic Solomun, Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Svjetlana Coralic, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Saša Eremija, Institute of Forestry Belgrade,, Serbia

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Forest District "Gozna" is located among Čelinac, Banja Luka and Laktaši municipalities, and belongs to the Forest Economic Area “Donjevrbasko”. Diversity of plant species, plant communities and soils on a relatively small area is characteristic of district, where 17 forest management classes has been identified, which additionally shows ecological variety. The "Gozna" district occupies 4.074.21 ha, on two Forest Economic Unit’s territory "Crni Vrh" and "Jošavka". Last soil, vegetation and typological research of this area, was carried out between 1974. and 1985, and real state has been changed compared with previous one. This paper aims to define ecological units of district “Gozna”, according to typological classification principles, to determine basic forests types and their ecological characteristics. MATERIAL AND METHODS Research of vegetation, soil and forest stands was conducted in the most represented forest management classes: High beech and hornbeam forests on acid and illimerized deep soils on acid-silicate and silicate-carbonate parent material (1101); High beech and oak forests on deep acid brown and ilimerized soils on acid-silicate parent material (1104); High oak forests on predominantly deep soils on serpentinite and peridotite (1414); High oak forests on predominantly deep acidic brown and ilimerized soils on acid-silicate and silicate - carbonate parent material (1415). Research was carried out in high forests with natural renewal, on 20 sample plots (20x20 m), where soil profiles and relevé were analyzed on each plot. Relevé are collected using the standard Central European phytosociological method (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). Forest stands were selected according to ecological conditions, structure, floral composition and degree of development, with enough surface to exclude the influence of adjacent forest stands. The basic forests types and ecological units of the forest district “Gozna” were identified. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The real picture of forest vegetation is a result of evolution, natural factors and intensity of their individual or joint effects, and human impact as the most important one. The most represented plant communities are: sub-mountain beech forests (Fagetum submontanum, Jov. 1967), mixed forests of beech and oak (Querco - Fagetum, Glish, 1971), mono-dominant oak forests (Quercetum montanum illyricum, Stef.1961) and mono-dominant oak forests on serpentinite (Quercetum montanum serpentinicum (Jun. et Jn. 1951). Land is characterized by chert and serpentine soils, with four soil types: acid brown soil, illimerized soil, eutric brown soil and pseudogley. Man had an important influence on these forests in the past, degrading forest vegetation types, which is very visible on research area. Certain proportion of mono-dominant hornbeam forests has been identified. The following basic forest types are defined: Beech forests on acid brown, deep, clay-loamy soils; Beech and oak forests on acid brown, deep, loamy soils; Oak forests on deep acid brown soil; Oak forests on ilimerized soil and pseudogley on peridotit. The highest productivity have beech forests on deep and acid brown soils. Re-mapping of Forest district Gozna is necessary in order to adapt and update existing forest management classes to the real situation.

Key words:
ecological units,real vegetation,basic forest type

Thematic field:
Forest ecology and conservation of natural resources

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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