Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.


1. Olivera Košanin, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
2. Marko Perović, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
3. Milan Knežević, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
4. Rade Cvjetića, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
5. Janko Ljubičić, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia

Forest sites mapping is, for Serbian conditions, innovative concept of forest area division, although it exists in countries of Western Europe for several decades. It is based on separation of site types, which represent homogeneous entities considering ecological and productive characteristics, exposed to approximately the same dangers and risks and to which, the same management treatments are applied. Site mapping concept is based on overlapping of digitalized thematic maps. In usage are: geological maps, soil types maps, water and nutritive regime maps, climatic conditions maps (temperature, precipitation etc.), relief characteristics maps (inclination, aspect, relief form etc.), maps of actual and potential vegetation etc. Forest sites mapping concept was implemented and tested in Serbia in two forest management units-„Istočna Boranja“, which belongs to forest administration “Boranja“ from Loznica and „Rađenovci Novi“, which belongs to forest administration „Sremska Mitrovica“ from Sremska Mitrovica. Separation of site types on pilot area „Rađenovci Novi“ (lowland forests), was made on the basis of existing typological maps. Management unit “Istočna Boranja“, as a representative of mountain forests, was used for implementation of site mapping methodology which is developed by joint work of Serbian and German experts, using DBU methodology as a model, tested in Montenegro. Because of high volume of field work, and short terms for its realization, research encompassed vegetation belt of mountain beech forests, from 600 to 900 m above sea level, on granodiorite bedrock. Job on site mapping in management unit „Istočna Boranja“ covered following phases: collecting of available digital maps and other site data, detailed site research (conditions of site, soil and vegetation), synthesis and analysis of obtained results and production of appropriate site type maps. Finally, on researched area in Boranja, five site types were obtained by overlapping of obtained maps: 1. Moderately wet – nutritive medium provided mountain beech site – mountain beech forest (Fagetum montanum B. Jovanović 1953; Syn. Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum B. Jovanović 1973.) 2. Wet - nutritive medium provided mountain beech site – mountain beech forest (Fagetum montanum B. Jovanović 1953; Syn. Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum B. Jovanović 1973.) 3. Very wet – nutritive medium provided mountain beech site – mountain beech forest (Fagetum montanum B. Jovanović 1953; Syn. Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum B. Jovanović 1973.) 4. Very wet – nutritive poor mountain beech site – mountain beech forest (Fagetum montanum B. Jovanović 1953; Syn. Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum B. Jovanović 1973.) 5. Extremely wet – nutritive poor to medium provided mountain beech site – mountain beech forest (Fagetum montanum B. Jovanović 1953; Syn. Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum B. Jovanović 1973.) Occurrence of acidophillous beech forests with wood-rushes (Luzulo-Fagetum Mišić et Popović (54)1978) and mountains beech forests with fescue (Festuco drymeiae-Fagetum) Mišić 1972.), on area of forest management unit “Istočna Boranja“ are orographic-edaphic conditioned, they occur sporadically and do not cover larger areas.

Key words:
Key words: mapping,site,soil,vegetation,site types

Thematic field:
Forest ecology and conservation of natural resources

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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