Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.


1. Jelena Nedeljkovic, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
2. Mirjana Stanisic, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
3. Dragan Nonić, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
4. Nenad Ranković, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
5. Marta Curman, Croatian Forest Research Institute, Croatia
6. Mersudin Avdibegovic, Forestry Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
7. Spela Pezdevsek Malovrh, University of Ljubljana-Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable forest resources, Slovenia

Recognizing the complexity of the negative impacts of climate change (CC) on different sectors, the European Union (EU) has emphasized the importance and the need to develop appropriate institutional frameworks and supportive measures. Slovenia and Croatia, as EU members and Serbia, as a candidate for EU membership, have significant natural resources that have been endangered over the past years due to catastrophic natural disasters, which had an impact on the forestry and nature conservation sectors. The aim of the paper is to identify the institutional frameworks of forestry and nature conservation sectors and CC mitigation measures at the EU level, in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. In addition, the aim is also to study attitudes towards the competencies of relevant institutions and organizations, assess the interests and impacts related to mitigation and adaptation to CC, and policy measures. Collection of primary data was carried out using interviews. Secondary data were collected from internal reports, strategic and legislative documents. Content analysis was used for data processing as well as statistical analysis. The interview protocol consisted of 22 questions divided into five groups. For the purposes of this paper, responses to questions related to institutional frameworks and policy measures for mitigating the negative effects of CC were analyzed. The sample consisted of 18 respondents (CRO-6, SLO-5, SRB-7), namely representatives of: ministries responsible for forestry and environment, protected area management organization, state forest management enterprises, educational and research organizations, and non-governmental organizations. Respondents were selected by judgmental sampling. The research results indicate a very complex system of general directorates’ organization in the EU, with a clear division of competences related to forestry and nature conservation. The forestry sector is, in all selected countries, positioned together with the agriculture, while the nature conservation is positioned within the environmental sector. CC mitigation issues are more integrated within the forestry sector in Slovenia and Croatia than in Serbia. Need for improvement of the institutional framework in forestry sector advocates 60% of respondents in Slovenia in comparison to Croatia (100%) and Serbia (89%). In nature conservation, attitudes are more balanced, (advocating in the range from 67-75% in all three countries). CC mitigation measures in the EU are grouped in the following way: the replacement of non-renewable energy sources with biomass, forest carbon sequestration and the use of wood products. The EU provides various funding for the implementation of these measures (e.g. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, LIFE Program 2014-2020), but none of them directly relates to the forestry sector. Regarding the type of policy measures, regulatory and financial, followed by information measures are mostly present in analysed countries. The most commonly used groups are measures for forest carbon sequestration.

Key words:
institutional framework,policy measures,climate changes mitigation,forestry,nature conservation

Thematic field:
Forest policy, economics, and organization in forestry

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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