Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.

Researching the concept of multiple forest functions and their implementation in practice

1. Aleksandra-Anja Dragomirović, Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Ljiljana Dosenovic, Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Through this work, we will analyze terms and notions related to forest functions from available expert-scientific works with objective to reevaluate our understanding of forest functions. Awareness of the importance of forest ecosystems both for the overall balance in nature and for the life of man and society as a whole has led us to re-examine the relationship that is established between societies – forests/forestry. It seems like that in everyday usage of those terms we lost our sense of its full meaning. How to determinate predominant forest function in theory and in practice, and why introducing knowledge from theory in practice is so slow process. Which discourse is a predominant in our forestry today? In first part of this study we are analyzing development of forestry science in term of forest functions. Breaking point in history of forestry was when multifunctional forestry took place from monofunctional forestry in theory and than in practice (that happened in the middle of the twentieth century and was caused by development of human society in general). It comes to defining new term: multifunctional forestry or multiple uses – multiple benefit forestry – which combined economical, protective and social forest function (or in German forestry term is: Funktionentheorie, and it combined Nutz-, Schutz-, Erholungsfunktion). In the same period our forestry science embrace it and put it in our economic-political context and our term is višenamjensko šumarstvo. (In the process of analysing literature on our language we have noticed different terms that we can claim to be synonyms, namely: višenamjensko, višefunkcionalno, multifunkcionalno, polivalentno, polifunkcionalno, integralno, višeciljno, višestruko funkcionalno šumarstvo. To resolve this mismatch of terminology we suggest using term: višenamjensko, which is complex word originally from our language.) In second part we give overview on forestry theory today in field of redefining and development of forest functions. Forest functions have changeable wider meaning and its evolution we see as base for development of different forestry practice today in the world such as: urban forestry; forest amenity planning; social and collaborative forestry; social and community forestry; new forestry etc. The development that has taken place in many forestry practices proves us that forestry is not an unchangeable system - forestry has its own evolution. Results of this research show that in spite of declarative affiliation for multifunctional forestry we are, in our forestry practice today, closer to anachronistic monofuctional forestry. In today’s forestry, in our country, we are dealing with same term but do we understand its full meaning and do we implement it in practice. We see our forestry practice today as practice in which timber production is the main function and it only inherently ensures the delivery of all other functions (social and protective forest function). We see market-based approach (that is predominant in forestry practice) as one of the mayor problems for introducing multifunctional forestry in to practice. So at the end we give critical review on this premise – how to evaluate forest functions that don’t have market value (such as protective or social forest functions).

Key words:
forest functions, multifunctional forestry, monofunctional forestry, multiple uses forestry, multiple benefit forestry, social forest function, protective forest function

Thematic field:
Forest Menagement Planning

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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