Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.


1. Saša Eremija, Institute of Forestry Belgrade,, Serbia
2. Milan Knežević, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
3. Rade Cvjetića, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
4. Marko Perović, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia

INTRODUCTION Beech forests have wide distribution in Republic of Srpska, which is conditioned by ecological properties of this species, as well as diverse ecological site conditions. Forests of beech and Italian maple (Aceri obtusati-Fagetum Fuk. et Stef. 1963) represent thermophillous variant of beech forests (Stefanović et al. 1983) and, in Bosnia and Herzegovina they occur in western Bosnian mountains and in western Herzegovina, but sporadically penetrate deeper into the mainland (Lepenica watershed near Kiseljak, Igman mountain near Sarajevo) (Stefanović 1986). On Manjača mountain, this community occupies small area in mountain beech forest belt. The aim of this work is to study edaphic characteristics and floristic composition of named plant community. MATERIAL AND METHOD One soil profile was made in the aim of determining soil characteristics, where detailed morphogenetical research was made and probes for laboratory research of standard physical and chemical soil properties were taken. Laboratory analysis was conducted on University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry. Systematic soil classification was made according to Škorić et al. (1985). Floristic characteristics of beech and Italian maple community (Aceri obtusati-Fagetum Fuk. et Stef. 1963) are determined on the basis of five phytocoenological relevés, produced by Braun-Blanquet method (Braun-Blanquet 1964). Determination of plant species was done according to „Flora Srbije I-X“ (Josifović et al. 1972-1977; Sarić et al. 1986, 1992; Stevanović et al. 2012). Spectra of life forms were made according to Kojić et al. (1997), chorological spectra were made according to Gajić (1980, 1984), while ecological characterization of plant community was done according to Kojić et al. (1997) and Ellenberg, Leuschner (2010). RESULTS Beech and Italian maple plant community (Aceri obtusati-Fagetum Fuk. et Stef. 1963) in Manjača occurs on limestone bedrock, on shallow kalkomelanosol. The soil is characterized by low ecological-production potential, which is caused by its low depth, by karstic bedrock, which is incapable of retaining water and by high level of ground rockiness. The plant community is floristicaly rich, it contains 41 vascular plant species. According to life form spectrum, the community has phanerophyte-hemycryptophyte character. In the chorologic spectrum, central European chorologic group is most widespread. According to light requirements the community is semitolerant, according to warmth requirements it is mesothermic, according to necessary nitrogen level in soil it is mesotroph, according to soil reaction the community is neutrophillous-basiphillous and according to moisture requirements beech-Italian maple community is xerophytic-mesophytic. Based on soil and vegetation research, beech and Italian maple forests (Aceri obtusati-Fagetum Fuk. et Stef. 1963) on organomineral kalkomelanosol are determined as a new basic forest type in Manjača area.

Key words:
beech, Italian maple, soil, floristic composition, Manjača, forest type, Aceri obtusati-Fagetum

Thematic field:
Forest ecology and conservation of natural resources

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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