Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali -

Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali

September 8 - 9, 2022.


1. Darko Divnić, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Dragoljub Mirjanić, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Esad Jakupovic, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Zoran Ž. Avramović, University od Belgrade, Serbia
5. Tomislav Pavlović, University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, , Serbia
6. Ivana Radonjić, University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, , Serbia

To convert solar radiation into electricity, solar cells and solar modules made of different materials are used in the world today: monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon on a glass or plastic base, GaAs, CdTe, CIS and others. Experimental research and progress in the production of new solar cells show that the efficiency of solar cells is constantly increasing. For the characterization of solar cells and solar modules under ideal standard conditions, apart from the measuring equipment, it is necessary to meet the international standards of the test environment where solar simulators with different light sources are used. Determination of the energy efficiency of solar cells and solar modules using solar simulators is carried out under the following standard conditions: temperature of 25oC, solar spectrum AM1.5 and solar radiation intensity of 1000 W/m2, which the solar simulator must meet according to IEC standard 60904. The paper presents the results of testing the physical characteristics of a 50Wp monocrystalline silicon solar module in the Solar Energy Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka.

Key words:
Solar radiation,solar cells,solar modules,solar simulators,energy efficiency

Thematic field:
SYMPOSIUM A - Science of matter, condensed matter and physics of solid states

Date of abstract submission:

Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali


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